How Do You Stay Up To Date? My Answer To This Common Interview Question
My very easy answer to this question is (drum roll please)
Darknet Diaries. Darknet Diaries is one of the best storytellers I’ve ever heard on Youtube and I know I’m going to ruffle some feathers but I’d say he’s as good if not even better than MrBallen.
At the moment I’m following Josh Madakor’s Roadmap and one of the conditions was listening to 100+ Darknet Diaries episodes which I already did. The only bad thing is I have to move on to the next objectives in that roadmap since I enjoyed Darknet Diaries so much.
As per Josh Madakor, another benefit to listening to cybersecurity podcasts is that you will pick up vocabulary that professionals use so you can pass your interview.
Let me know in the comments what your favorite Darknet Diaries episode is and I’ll respond!