At Home Workouts: Cybersecurity Edition

Tactical Dispatch Cybersecurity
2 min readJan 7, 2025


Hi! My name’s Zach and at the moment I work in a warehouse. My goal for this year is to get my first IT job by June 2025. I hate to be overconfident but I’m 50% of the way there because of my mindset alone. I just KNOW I can do it and I’m not going to skate through life and feel sorry for myself for working in a warehouse. With that out of the way it’s not going to be easy because I have to get projects, certifications (currently studying for my Comptia Security+ exam), job search, and develop my personal brand.

As I type this on January 6, 2025 I already reached out to a couple local hacker networking groups (IE Def Con) as well as a resume writer to help me with the job search in the coming months. I also have 50+ Medium drafts ready to roll out since I can’t post more than 3 articles per day. My main goal for January 2025 is to study for the Security+ and only post one Medium article a day. In the previous month I did a fair amount of reading on cybersecurity but that needs to take a backseat for the time being. I’m not going to spread my attention too thin.

But we’re on to the main meat of the article which is working out at home. I’m the firm believer strong body=strong mind (or is it the other way around?). One of the smartest things I’ve done over the years was work out religiously. I won’t say I’m overly big but people can tell I work out. So given my time restraints I sporadically work out at home. I like to do these on my breaks since I’m a fan of the Pomodoro technique. This is all I do:

Upper body

Pushups (chest and shoulders)

Pullups with my pullup bar (back and biceps)

All Around/Miscellaneous

Captains of Crush Hand grippers (I do this when I commute to work and people compliment me on how strong my hands are)

Shadow boxing

Kettlebell swings (back, cardio, legs, hand grip strength)

In closing, I can’t go to the gym as frequently as I should. A silver lining to working in the warehouse is that I do get to do cardio and lift heavy objects. Unfortunately, I can’t deadlift or chest press at work but at least it’s better than nothing. With the limited time I have I make do with what I have. What’s your at home work out plan? Let me know in the comments.

More resources:

AJAC’s website

January 2, 2025 CDC study on the dangers of physical inactivity

Sitting is the New Smoking (link here)

The Benefits of Kettlebell Swings and How to Do Them Right (link here)

PS Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Education of a Bodybuilder has implications on learning cybersecurity. I’ve thought about making a post about that but I think the take home message is when you focus on just one goal in life you’ll eventually obtain it.



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